Team Skills:
How well a team can walk a field can often times determine who will be the victor in a paintball match. Dynasty starts out with the "infamous" white board to draw up the field. There are many factors into deciding how an effective team strategy can be developed, so they have sectioned off everything into three main categories.
Field Positioning:
Once you have drawn up the field, you now need to place your back line. These are usually obvious positions (the back center, and the two corners). The center player also needs to be quick on his feet, because he is the player that fills in behind the front players as they move up the field or are eliminated. The two tape players act more like anchors, not moving unless they have to. You never want to give up a tape position for three reasons.
1. These players have the ability to control your opponents from using the tape line against you.
2. They have the ability to effectively wrap, keeping your opponents off balance.
3. These players are in the best possible defensive position to zone up should anything go wrong.
The front players are positioned in key locations that are often directly on the 50 yard line, or just behind it. Usually these spots offer the best zones to prevent your opponent from making secondary moves. Not only do you have to place your front players, but you have to worry about how they are going to get there, which will be covered later.

1. Start out by drawing up a layout of the field, marking where your primary starting positions are.
2. You will need to identify which of your opponents positions are most important. Use your own field positioning to help you determine this.
3. Map out individual shooting lanes. This will allow you to delegate who is responsible for watching each side.

Remember, you can always move to achieve a better shooting lane to lock down a specific part of the field. The game is always changes and you must allow your plan to be flexible incase anything goes wrong. This means you will have to often times change up your zones as the game progresses. You must pay attention to the way your teamates are shooting, so you can play off them, by shooting a different zone.
The entire team must have an unselfish attitude. Trust is one of the most important elements to success using this technique. Players must always know that they are being watched over and taken care by their teamates
Plan of Action

Holding Zones

Often times you will engage an opponent in a snap-shooting contest. If he overpowers you, he will make his move. When this is happening, and you feel your opponent is going to move, you should readjust your position, and post up on the position that you feel he will move to. You need to keep a constant stream going in front of the bunker. This technique can also be used into baiting your opponent into moving through your zone.

Or you can ask a teammate to watch your zone as you reload. Asking your teammate for help is your best option. Continue to keep up the pressure and force your opponents to change their game plan or make a mistake.

Individual skills can win games and points, but good overall communication can win tournaments. Every player has a unique perspective of the game. Front players generally have their noses in the dirt, and are stuck in smaller, tighter spots with a limited field of view. On the contrary, back players are usually in nice, stand-up bunkers, on their feet, with a clear view of everything that is happening on the field. The job of the back player in communication is to not only relay what he sees, but to ask the front player what he needs to do to get his job done effectively. Front players need to be able to make split second decisions based on both what they see and hear, so the more information you and your teamates recieve, the more productive your decision making process will be.
It is typical to think that back players are responsible for all communication on the field. This is not correct. Back players are responsible for answering all the questions that the front or mid players might pose on them. In turn, to be an effective front of mid player, it is important to tell the back players specifically what you need to know, or what you need them to do in order to help you get your job done.
Every team should have a system of codes to relay information across the field. This should be a standard coding system, that everyone on the team is familiar with. Codes are not necessarily used to be secretive, rather, but to convey as much information in a shorter amount of time.
Movement opens up new angles in which you can eliminate your opponents. There are numerous ways to make moves.
1. You can make a spur of the moment move off instinct.
2. You can make a self-forced move, where you use your own gun to lay supressing fire. It is easy enough to keep track of, and contain opponents in your immediate field of view. However, it is the opponents you can't see that represent the real threat. If you are going to move on your own, you need to contain the opponents that you can see, and pull your gun across the field to contain your new opponent before making your move. Accuracy and awareness play a big part in these types of movements.

2 on 2 Movement Drill

2. The object of this drill is to get to that flag and simply touch it to win the game.
3. Start at your 20 yard line, and move forward using coordinated support, and self forced moves, to get to the flag before the other team.
2 on 1 Movement Drill
1. Set up in your bunkers across the field. The point of this drill is for the team of two to obtain a key 50 yard position, such as a snake or dorito.
2. The one defensive player must zone up on this 50 yard line bunker, and not allow his opponents to get into it.
3. The team of two must coordinate a move that both suppresses and contains the defensive player just long enough for one of the players to reach the bunker.
4. The teamate playing cover not only has the job to create the opening, but to communicate when it is safe to move to his teamate.
5. This is a fast drill, that can be made more complex by adding more bunkers and players.
Closing the Game
Closing a game really comes down to field awareness. All fields are different, but most fields allow two back guys the ability to cross it up and hold down their zones.
Closing the game Drill

2. 2 defensive players must hold their zones off from the attacking 3 players.
3. Time limit of 2 minutes.
4. Rule is, you had better not be alive on the attacking side when the 2 minutes are up, or its a draw. In other words, win, or die trying.
5. On the attacking side, two of your teammates need to work together on one of the opposing teams back players. It is important for the third attacking player to preoccupy the other defensive player, do not allow him to wrap or distrupt the other two attacking players, since it will usually take a pretty ballsy move to close up the game.
6. You will be tempted to put your back players in the defensive positions for this drill. Switch it up with an equal rotation, since more often than not, your back guys will be the ones finishing the game off and breaking down the zones.
7. The more you run these types of drills, the more you will understand your teammates and your own abilities.
Player Specific:
Back Player Breakout

Quote of the day:
"Anything can happen in paintball, anyone can get shot out. You know, a ball can bounce off the net, bounce off a squirrel, and hit you in the goggles."
-Oliver Lang
Front Player Breakout
For a front player, the first 15-30 seconds of the game are possibly the most important. The players that do the most damage in the beginning of the game, are usually the ones that help their team secure victory. It is important to pick out the key front bunkers on the field, then get their as quick as possible, either by going their immediately, or by delaying shortly at a primary, then bumping your secondary. You do not want to be caught up at your primary for long, and should look for the first oppurtunity to bump the snake or 50 dorito. The mindset you need to be in is to think of what your opponent would do to counter your own plan. This will help you take advantage of the situation, as well as open you up to potential flaws in your gameplan.
When running towards your front bunker, it is always important to run with your head up, and sometimes your gun up, watching the streams of paint coming at you and even shooting back.
Hope this helps everyone
terbaek bro..ini yg saya cari..